When Russian invasion to Ukraine continues, conflicts have an impact on various fields of the country, including a hazardous zone for a number of reasons – the city of Chernobyl, and more specifically, the Red Forest Chernobyl. Russian troops seized the city and the nearest area in February and March 2022. According to Ukraine, the move would not happen without consequently. This is not a covert threat – Ukraine refers to the radiation effect that is always there, where the Russian army spends a good time.
Unlike many other parts of Ukraine, Chernobyl is not a crowded city filled with people when Russia invaded it. The city has been abandoned since 1986 when it was a large-scale nuclear accident site, where defective reactors caused an explosion in local nuclear power plants. Even though only 31 people were said to have died as a direct result of the accident, the remaining radiation had a very flung effect which continued to this day.
As a result, the alienation zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (better known as the Chernobyl Exception Zone) has been established. This area covers about 19 miles in an explosion radius, and even more than 30 years later, is very contaminated. Only about 100 people still live in Chernobyl, and no new citizens are permitted, so the city is slowly dying. It was there, in a dangerous and quiet area with very high radiation, that some Russian troops settled for several weeks.
Russian troops may be afflicted by radiation sickness
This prediction comes from Yehova Kramarenko, Head of the Ukrainian State Agency on the Exceptions Zone Management. This is shared by people in business. Overcoming reporters, Kramarenko discussed the fact that Russian troops were placed in the exception zone for five full weeks. The Russian army has now submitted control of the area, but the five weeks of the soldiers spent in the red forest can have a lasting effect on their health – and according to Kramarenko, some of these problems have begun.
Reuters claimed that the red forest, a fairly small pine forest who died after a nuclear explosion in Chernobyl, was the most contaminated part of the exception zone. Russian troops dig trenches in the forest and placed there until the beginning of this month. Kramarenko also confirmed that the Russian army was seen driving around the forest without any protective equipment to protect himself from the surrounding radiation. As a result, they certainly breathe radioactive dust.